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Faith is at the heart of Mothers' Union, and we are concerned with developing the faith and spirituality of members of the Mothers' Union in the Diocese of St Edmundsbury and Ipswich.
Our aim is twofold: firstly, to ensure that the work continues to be firmly rooted in the Christian faith, underpinned by Christian values and Biblical tradition, and secondly, through campaigning and promoting societal conditions that ensure stable family life and the protection of children. Prayer is at the heart of all we do.
We seek to inform and inspire members on topical issues regarding our faith, family and relationships in order to shape Mothers' Union policy and strategy so that we can be better equipped to share in the work of our diocese in spreading the good news of the gospel. We have been campaigning to ensure that children are protected within society. We have been speaking out against domestic violence and early marriage, and through the networks of our organisation we are actively working with some of the most marginalised communities in the world to eradicate inequalities brought about through poverty, ignorance of rights and lack of opportunity.
Mary Sumner founded the Mothers' Union as a support network for families. It is by working together that family life can be strengthened and communities transformed. We unite with other members across the world to pray for the work of Mothers' Union, and there are many themed resources available to help us - to inspire, and to know how to pray, and what to pray.
Prayer Diary
The prayer diary is written to assist every Mothers' Union member to join together each day in prayer and support for each other around the world. It provides a theme for each week, a prayer for each day. It is available free to every Mothers' Union member.
Wave of Prayer
A 'Wave of Prayer' goes around the world as members pray together every day at midday wherever they are for the people and the work of Mothers' Union and for international issues affecting families. Our Diocese is linked with Mothers' Union members at Lake Malawi in Malawi, Byumba in Rwanda, Jalingo in Nigeria and Lucknow in North India.
Emergency Prayer Chain
There is an Emergency Prayer Chain link throughout the Diocese. Prayers will be said for each person by members of the Prayer Chain. It is available for all needs including illness, relationships, accident, bereavement, world-wide crisis etc. Only details that are necessary need to be given. Requests will be added to the Chain for three weeks, after which the name will be deleted unless further information has been received. Please contact the Prayer Chain Leader, Susan Doe by email or phone on 01473 231558 if you have a request to be added to the Prayer Chain. Please download a poster (A4 poster, A5 poster) and display it in your Church or hall.