Prayer for May

Our prayer for May is from the MU Prayer Diary:

Our Lord and heavenly King,
fill our lives with the presence of Christ.
Strengthen our faith to trust in you
and set our hearts to pursue your ways,
that we may work in partnership
to build your Kingdom on earth.




When St Paul's Cathedral was being built in 1675, different craftsmen were once asked what were their tasks.  Their answers included laying bricks, carving stone and other specific undertakings.  One man, however, replied that he was helping build St Paul's Cathedral.  He had a bigger and better vision of what his work was achieving.  As we live out the values of Christ by our example, words and actions, let's ask God for a bigger vision of what we too are achieving.  Let's rejoice that our specific offerings are contributing to the wonderfaul task of building God's Kingdom on earth.


Photo credit - Gerd Altmann from Pixabay.